african wild dog facts information

giraffes, the tallest land mammals on theplanet. characterized by its long legs, long neck,and distinctive spotted pattern, many people once believed the giraffe was a cross betweena leopard and a camel. this is one of many amazing facts about ourlong-neck friends and this is animal facts. hi, i'm leroy. if you love animals like we do, hit that subscribebutton. let's get started. 10. spending most of the day eating, a full-growngiraffe consumes over 100 lbs. or 45 kilograms

of leaves and twigs each day. giraffes live primarily in savanna areas inthe sub-saharan region of africa. savannas are characterized as grasslands withfew trees, so every little advantage helps. their extreme height allows them to eat leavesand shoots located much higher than most other animals can reach. giraffe tongues are huge! they are up to 17 inches or 45cm long andare specially adapted to allow giraffes to forage on trees that other animals would avoid,such as acacias, which are very thorny. 9.

when giraffes walk, they move both legs onone side of their body and then both legs on the other side; this pacing gait is uniqueto giraffes and camels. a common explanation for their unusual gaitsis that the gait prevents fore and hind feet from getting in each other�s way. however, they run in a similar style to othermammals, swinging their rear legs and front legs in unison. they can run as fast as 35 miles an hour overshort distances, or cruise at 10 mph over longer distances. 8.

giraffes only spend between 10 minutes andtwo hours asleep per day. they have one of the shortest sleep requirementsof any mammal. in general, they sleep with their feet tuckedunder them and their head resting on their hindquarters, but they can also sleep forshort periods of time standing up. 7. young giraffes hang out in nursery groupsuntil they are around 5 months old, resting and playing together while their mothers foragein the distance. baby giraffes can stand within half an hourand after only 10 hours can actually run alongside their family.

6. giraffes are sociable, peaceful animals whichrarely fight. males do perform a behaviour called �necking�where they will hit necks; however these encounters rarely last more than a couple of minutesand seldom result in injury. the knobs on their heads, called ossicones,are used to protect the head when males playfully fight. 5. there is only one species of giraffe. the recognized subspecies include reticulated,nubian, uganda or baringo, masai, angolan,

and southern. the different kinds can be recognized by theirspots and also by where they live in africa. masai giraffes, from kenya, have spots thatlook like oak leaves. other kinds have a square-shaped pattern thatlooks like the giraffe is covered by a net. some zoologists think that the giraffe's patternis for camouflage. 4. a giraffe's neck is too short to reach theground. as a result, it has to awkwardly spread itsfront legs or kneel to reach the ground for a drink of water.

3. luckily, giraffes only need to drink onceevery few days. most of their water comes from all the plantsthey eat. 2. whilst it was once thought that giraffes didnot make any sounds, this is now known to be untrue, as giraffes bellow, snort, hissand make flute-like sounds, as well as low pitch noises beyond the range of human hearing. 1. a giraffe�s spots are much like human fingerprints.

no two individual giraffes have exactly thesame pattern. well, there ya have it, a tall list of giraffefacts. did we reach high enough? let us know in the comments below. if you like this list, hit that like buttonand make sure to subscribe, for more fun fauna facts. if you'd like to help us create more lists,consider becoming a patron on patreon and as always, catch ya next time.


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