best dog breeds for small children

best breed ever! beagles!beagles have been bred since roman times for their sense of smellbut the larger modern day breed developed in great britain in the 1830sbeagles have 225 million scent receptors � dachshunds have 125 million, and humans only have 5 millionsnoopy is probably the most famous beagle! purebred beagles have a white-tipped tail,so hunters can easily see them while pursuing a scentonce beagles pick up on a scent, they will follow it. keep beagles in a fenced area oron a leash! beagles can also be trained for medical assistance� a beagle has even dialed 9-1-1 and saved her owner's life!"- they are friendly and social

- they require minimal grooming- they are small to medium-sized - they are not ideal in apartments due toloud barking & howling" "- they are great with families and children- they are energetic and love to roam - they live to about 12-15 years"


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