calm dog breeds that don t shed

hi! nicole and albert here again with anotherrelax my dog vlog. we're here every week answering all of your questions about man's best last week caleb aaron asked for a havanese profile, so this week we're going to go throughall of the characteristics and behaviours of the breed. so, if you have any questionsor suggestions for the next video, just leave it in the comment section and we'll see whatwe can do. we really hope you enjoy the video. the havanese is one of the most happy andplayful of the toy dog breeds and it's also very intelligent and very sturdy. they makereally great family dogs, and they love nothing more than spending time cuddling their, they are a breed known to suffer with separation anxiety, and they don;t do wellleft on their own for long periods. so if

you're out at work for a long time then theymay not be the right breed for you. because of this, havanese owners have been known tocomplain about their dogs venting when they get left on their own. this can include excessivebarking and destructive chewing. havanese dogs love to learn tricks and they respondwell to any training that involves a reward of food at the end of it. however, they canbe hard to housebreak. this breed is great for allergy sufferers, because their fur doesn'tshed much at all. however, because of the length of their coat, unless you keep it clippedshort it will require regular brushing and grooming. the havanese was originally bredby the cuban aristocracy in the 1800's as a companion dog. he earned the nickname 'velcrodog' because he stick so close to his humans

side. but don;t just write him off as a lapdog, he's very playful, energetic, easy to train and a great family pet. he gets on wellwith children and other animals. so there are a couple of other facts that you mightwant to know just about to come up on the screen, but we hope you enjoyed the video.give us a big thumbs up if you did, and make sure you click the subscribe button if youhaven't already. we'll see you again next week! bye!


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