dear kitten videos youtube
- ow, ow, ow. hi, kitty. (kitten meowing) - i've never met a kitten before, probably because my familywasn't a pet family growing up. - i have never met a kitten before. i know of cats, buti've never met a kitten. - i'm very much a dog person, and most of the people in mylife have puppies, not kittens.
- i think my heart wouldbe broken if the kitten wasn't interested in me at all. - i'm looking for somereally good kitten action. (lively music) - oh god, it's so tiny. - it's so little. hi kitten. - how cute are you? (squeals)
- do we know it's name, his name, her? her name? - [voiceover] i don'tknow how you can tell. - i don't know, kitty. - i think i might bebad at holding kittens. - is there a way thatyou're supposed to pet them? like, oh. i'm sorry. (imitates purring)
- you're supposed to do that. - yeah, kittens are waymore wiggly than i thought. they do not like to be held. - i'm gonna hold it soit doesn't run away. - aww, its paws are so soft. the little pads on the feet. - do they pee on you? will he bite me if i touch him? am i holding him right?
it's like a ba, this is like the same way i feel about human babies. i don't know how to hold them. - it's so much better than a cat, 'cause the cat will run awaysometimes 'cause they're jerks, but kittens, they can'tdo anything, look, i can, i got a kitten on my head. - they're so cute, dude, likei would hold kittens all day. - duncan, come here.
this was my nightmare. the cat would just run away. love me back. - aww, it's falling asleep. it loves me. i like it, i like kittens. - i think cats are justa little bit more cranky, and i thought kittenswould be like really cute and amazing and he's so cute and adorable,
but like, i don't knowhow to play with it still. - it was better than expected, wigglier. - as long as it doesn'tgrow up to be a cat, i like kittens. - you guys, i wanna takeback everything i just said. i know i said i didn't like it as much, but now this is great. - i don't have anythingnegative to say about kittens. why does anyone grow up, you know?
let's just all be kittens and puppies.
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