different kitten names

this episode brought to you by meow mix catfood. delight your cat with new mealtime favorites. intro-----hi guys i’m alex farnham and this is animalist news.everyone thinks of cats as being picky eaters, and the truth is… yeah they totally are,but there’s a good reason for it! a cat’s taste buds are its least developedsense, which might be why cats rely so much on their sense of smell .as long as food smells good, chances are your cat will eat it… but what smells good tous and our cats are two entirely different things.the reason cats are so picky about the aroma is because they only have about five hundredtaste buds, while humans have around nine

thousand.a-k-a they’re enjoying the scent more than the food itself.sweet compounds, for example, are recognized by taste bud receptors composed of two genes.contrary to most mammals, one of the cats’ genes is not functional and therefore theycannot taste sweet foods. but in reality they don’t really need to.felines are strict carnivores that rely on nutrients in animal tissue.as cats became domesticated, they evolved according to the food sources available tothem. so unlike humans or dogs who became omnivorousin nature, cats have eaten a completely carnivorous diet throughout history.because they are so dependant on a high protein

diet, anorexic felines can develop hep-aticlip-id-oh-sis, a liver condition unique to cats that can be fatal.in order to prevent feline anorexia, you can try getting your cat to like different typesof food. a cat’s taste preferences are based offof what it is exposed to as a kitten or what their mother’s diet is during gestationand nursing. if you expose young kittens to a variety offood over a long period of time, they will be less of a stubborn eater in adulthood.speaking of cat food, let's take a second to talk about our sponsor: meow mix has theirresistible tastes cats love and the wholesome nutrition they need to make the most of mealtime.and now there are new mealtime favorites to

give your cat even more variety. introducingmeow mix tender centers with vitality bursts and meow mix soufflã©s. with so many deliciousflavors, it’s no wonder meow mix cat food is the only brand cats ask for by name.so what’s the weirdest thing your cat has eaten?let me know in the comments below. be sure to check out these other videos andsubscribe down below. i’ll see you hairy mammals next time!bye!


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