dog breed catahoula

hi! i am anne-marie for expert village andtoday we are learning basic dog grooming. in this series, we are going to learn abouthow to take some length off of the coat and do the actual haircut part. this is a clipper,on the clipper i have forty blade. on the forty blade i have a couple of different clippercombs for different parts of the body. this is a one half comb, we are going to use thatto take length off of goony all over and on his ears and on his cheeks. so let us startwith his neck, take our noose, we hold up his head, we take clipper and with the grainof the hair, you are going to move with the same length, same way that the hair grows,you run your clipper comb. goony is just getting a little tiny trim today, so we are not goingto see a whole lot hair come out. and you

move quickly enough to get it done, but nottoo quickly, otherwise your cuts will be uneven. goony has wavy hair. so that cuts might looka little uneven anyway. it is part of his natural fluffy look. so you run this bladeall around the neck so that you can then put your grooming noose back on, which makes ita little bit more comfortable for the dog and a little safer as well, so that your dogwon’t fall off the table. you are going to groom the ears, you take your comb andyou put the ear on your hands, so as not to cut the edge of the ear and run flat alongit like that and do the same all over, down the legs, nice thing about the clipper comb,you can pick whatever length you want and as long as you don’t have any tangles orknots in your dog’s coat you can just run

this over your dog everywhere, sometimes whenyou working on the head and cheeks, you might pick a comb that’s a little bit longer,leaves the hair little longer. usually you use those on the top of the head and may bea little bit on the cheek. this is all really personal preference, whatever length worksfor you and also you want to use a length that’s going to last the dog until the nextgrooming so that you cut it short enough for your dog to look good and last long.


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