dog breed collie

best breed ever! american pit bull terrier!"pit bull" is not a breed, but a general term to describe: staffordshire bull terrier, americanpit bull terrier, american staffordshire terrier, bull terrieramerican pit bulls are a cross between bulldog and terrierpit bulls are banned in the uk and new zealand due to a particularly bad reputation for viciousand sometimes lethal attacks they were originally bred and trained to fightin pits against bulls, bears, rats and other dogsmyth: pit bulls have a locking jaw --- they actually just have really really powerfuljaw muscles (after the german shepherd and rotweiller)according to the american temperment testing

society, american pit bulls can be less aggressivethan golden retrievers and beagles american pit bulls can be extremely loyalbut must have lots of socialization and training as a puppy and through adulthood [ to counteraggressive tendencies ] well-trained american pit bulls can be greatwith kids and were once known as a nanny dog pit bulls were considered a symbol of braveryand represented the usa on posters for wwi pit bulls live to 12 - 14 years - 84-98 dogyears!


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