dog breed doberman

doberman pinschers are believed to have originatedin germany around 1900, when tax collector louis dobermann of apolda wanted a dog witha medium build that could function as both a protector and a companion. breeds thoughtto have contributed to the doberman's heritage are the old shorthaired shepherd, the rottweiler,the black and tan terrier and the german pinscher. a healthy doberman is typically 24 to 28 inchestall and weighs 66 to 88 pounds. the coat of short, hard fur requires minimal grooming,and can come in a range of colors including black, red, blue and fawn. health issues affecting dobermans includeback and hip problems. the doberman is not only an ideal watchdog,but also a great guard dog. this elegant working

group breed is fearless, intelligent, obedientand highly trainable, which makes it a popular choice for police and military work. as pets, dobermans are loyal, loving and energeticdogs that require regular exercise to stave off boredom.


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