dog breed heeler

hi, i'm nancy frensley. i'm the training managerat the berkeley east bay humane society, in berkeley, california, and i've been askedthe question very often what is dog breeding? well, the answer seems pretty obvious, doesn'tit? it's two dogs breeding together to make puppies, but it's a lot more complicated andeven controversial issue than many people think about. so, those who breed in what wecall the breed fancy; really responsible hobby breeders, people who are breeding dogs fora specific purpose are breeding specific traits together so that they get a certain way oflooking and a certain way of behavior. this is a very careful, methodical, and responsibleprocess that usually doesn't tend to throw a whole lot of extra puppies onto the marketthat wind up in shelters. for most pet dogs

humane societies all around the world recommendspaying and neutering your dogs so that they don't breed. there are so many pet dogs inshelters and municipal facilities all over the place because people have bred dogs togetherwithout realizing that they need to find homes for all the puppies, and there just reallyaren't enough homes to go around for all the dogs that are currently being bred. so, whenyou think about breeding, putting two dogs together to make puppies, if you have a purposein mind, something that you really want to do, a type of dog that you want to producedo it once, and then have your dogs spayed and neutered.


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