dog names that end in y

hi, i’m anna kendrick and i’m justin timberlake poppy is the happiest troll of all the trolls. hug time! how do you always look on the bright side? and branch is the opposite. i don’t do high fives. slap it, boss. nope.

a little slappy? make daddy happy? fine! too slow! oh snap. this is a story about happiness. uh… cupcake? how far some would go to get it... ...and how farwe went to get it back. what’s your plan?

to rescue everyone and make it home safely. so you’re going to scrapbook them to freedom. solid burn, branch. it’s so wonderful to get to voice thesecharacters and i think music just adds so much to animation, it just feels like theybelong together. the bergens gather the trolls that they’vecaught, and it’s the music that rescues them. (singing) you with the sad eyes, don’t bediscouraged oh i realize it’s hard to take courage. in a world full of people you can lose sightof it all.

the darkness inside you can make you feelso small. and i see your true colors shining through… the creators of shrek no troll left behind! invite you on a musical adventure that proves one voice can change the world. happiness is inside of all of us. sometimes you just need someone to help youfind it. dreamworks’ trolls

(singing) true colors are beautiful… now i’m thinking we hug.


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