short haired dogs that don t shed

let's talk about some cures for dogs shedding.well the first part of that is there are really no cures for shedding, dogs are going to shedno matter what, what we are really talking about here is decreasing it if we possiblycan or dogs that are non seasonally shedding. dogs typically shed during the winter seasonand the approaching winter months because they are trying to get thicker or thinnercoats in but some dogs will shed all year long and it can be quite troublesome. thefirst thing to do is to check with your veterinarian and make sure that there is no underlyingdisease process of the skin, allergies, or fleas or something that needs to be addressedfirst that is causing the shedding. secondly there are a lot of products on the marketto stop shedding a lot of which are based

around fatty acids, vitamin supplements, essentialoils things like that so check with your veterinarian first as well about those products. thirdis adequate nutrition. a lot of foods will put fatty acids omega 3's, vitamin supplementsobviously are in all foods but good nutrition is the cornerstone a lot of times for someshedding problems. if they are on a poor nutrition they are going to be shedding too much. theother thing to do is brushing or combing your pet often increases oil production of theskin and also obviously gets excess hair off of these pets and will help in the long termas well. the last thing would be to mention the probably baths and shampoos anything thatis soothing or moisturizing can sometimes help with these guys as far as excess sheddingto put more moisture into the skin to prevent

the follicles from releasing their hair.


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