dog breeder reviews

if you're looking to purchase a new pet online - buyer beware. (sn) there are websites out there offering to sell you an adorable canine companion... but you don't always

get what you pay for. (he) we spoke to a woman who thought she bought a new maltese online... and now she's out more than a thousand dollars.

target 12 consumer investigator susan campbell is here now with that cautionary tale. everything looked legitimate... the website looked real... there was even a tracking

number for the puppy's flight... but it turns out - there was no puppy. donna fournier fell in love with this puppy online... it said 50% discount in the month of december so i emailed the guy

and said i was interested... the puppy was supposedly coming from a breeder in georgia.. through a series of emails and text messages... donna agreed to buy the 11 week old maltese.

"i said we'll be sending the money shortly. he said ok. appreciate it. "he said the puppy will be shipped out this am and you should receive him."

then - the day the puppy was supposed to arrive... another person - posing as an employee of a transport company asked donna for more money for special shipping costs.... she sent an extra 500 bucks.... still - never

suspecting a scam.... "the site just looked so real." "i even have a picture of the whole family that was supposedly sending me the puppy that looked legit." but the puppy never arrived..

now - donna's texts and calls - see phone just rings and rings. go unanswered... "it happens far too often here. these people, these scam artists are experts and they prey on people's

emotions." dr. ernest finocchio is the president of the rhode island spca.. he tells target 12 - the easiest way to avoid this scam... is to avoid online purchases... "stay away from these animals

that are advertised on the internet. "people should always go to a standing structure, a facility a municipal shelter, a private non- profit shelter such as ours or a breeder's home." "

you want to see the puppy, the dog, you want to adopt it from that facility. but if you decide to buy a pet online... ask for references... and ask for detailed information about the

person selling the pet... that way - you can research names and addresses online. most importantly - the federal trade commission says you should never wire money.... because once it's sent... it's gone for

good. in donna's case - she's out almost 12-hundred dollars... "it's heartbreaking you know.. and i hope he gets caught and gets punished for what he's doing to people."

the federal trade commission says scammers have used same scam for other pets.. including parrots, kittens, and even iguanas. in donna's case - she filed complaints with state and federal agencies.

with the target 12 investigators, sc ewn. our in-depth coverage continues for more important information on how to avoid puppy scams... and research a possible seller...

go to our website - w-p-r-i dot com.


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