dog breeds most popular

top 10 fastest dogs in the world greyhound greyhound comes first in the list of fastest dogs as it can be able to run with a speed of 45 mph which most of the other dogs doesn̢۪t reach. saluki they have drop years, large eyes and padded feet which help them to achieve the speed. vizsla these intelligent breeds are easy to train and popularly known as velcro vizsla as they never go far away dalmatian

dalmatians are popular and good looking dog as everyone wish to own them. whippet these medium sized breed were originated in england which is popularly known border collie border collie can move quickly and can corner like a sport car which can maintain control in turns to reach long distances. great dane these german breeds are well known for its enormous body and height which is one of the tallest dog breeds in the world. doberman pinscher doberman is mostly used as guard dogs which can run with a speed of 30 mph.

alaskan husky the alaskan huskies were mostly found in frozen and remote areas which are used to deliver goods. jack russell terrier among the tallest dogs it is the smallest one that can compete with others in speed. fastest dogs subscribe for more fast and striongest dogs videos thank you


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