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ben bruno has helped kate upton, jessica biel, and chelae chelsea handler. as we kick off swimsuit season, ben is going to show us and you how to get the signature moves. today is about the upper body and the core. tomorrow, we focus on the lower

body. who doesn't want to look like kate upton. >> i'll show you what she does. >> kate upton's move, is the one arm row. >> one arm, one leg row. this is upper body but also your butt.

we're going to do right hand on the chair. stand up straight like this. the left leg goes back and the dumbbell goes down. exactly. you're going to feel that in the hamstring. you're going to hold that

position. this is for your arms but also works your butt. >> how are you doing? >> really good bang for your butt here. >> what are you supposed to do with the back leg? >> the back leg goes towards the

wall. and what i don't want you is to toe the toe back there. that's the peeing dog. >> did you see that video? you look like kate upton. >> kate goes really heavy but perfect form. >> she goes heavyweights.

she will probably do 25-pound dumbbells. >> and next, waiter walks. >> you're going to take the heavy dumbbell in the right hand, and the light dumbbell, you want to offset the weight. this arm goes by your head, not forward or out to the side

because that's dangerous. then, you're going to get tight and go for a slow walk. this is working your core. this is a souped-up side plank. your core has to brace to counteract that. >> you do this with barbara fiello, right?

>> and barbara is showing that strength training done properly will not bulk you up. >> you have to hold in your core. >> that's what it is. for your abs. what makes it better than a side plank is you get your heart rate

up. we go 30 seconds on each side. it's great for the core. >> what do you do with these? >> these are hip circles. they're just bands. what we're going to do is put them around the knees. i will take pink and you take

blue. i'm going to have you face me. and butt back, like you're about to twerk. and we're going to go here. >> we do that all the time. >> that's what i'm saying. from here, toes point straight. and you're going to walk to the

side. >> where can you get the bands? >> you can get them online. put your butt back, walk like this. if you don't have space to walk, you can just go like this. right in place. >> we have to go.

we wish you didn't. this is so much fun. >> my butt is throbbing. >> those three moves will be a great workout. >>> coming up, simon cowell. >> we have more time. >> we do. >> he


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