dog food aggression

hi i'm amber from and today we'regoing to discuss how to safely feed multiple dogs at the same time having multiple dog household can bechallenging, especially around mealtime. food aggression—or when dogs fight overfood is fairly common and extra care should be taken at meals or when givingyour dog treats. don't worry though, it's easy to preventany bad feelings at mealtimes by separating the dogs when you feed can feed the dogs in individual crates or in separate rooms, which alsostops fast eaters from snagging the food of alower eater. you can also slow down a dog's

food intake by feeding them from apuzzle toy. they range in style from simple stuffedkongs to more complicated puzzles and don't only slow a dog down, but make themwork for their food. if one god finishes before the other don't let them interact with the otherdog. keep them separated until both dogs are done eating. by creating a routine around feedingtimes and feeding dogs apart, it will be easier for them to relax since they knowthey'll both be fed. be careful when rewarding multiple dogswith treats at once. if both dogs are

gentle, say their name and deliver thetreat to their mouths. if one of the dogs take treats roughly,it's best to reward every one separately. avoid dropping treats on the ground as this could lead to a tussle. taking extra care when giving dogs meals or treatswill help keep all pets in your care safe, happy, and well-fed. we'll see younext time!


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