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welcome back to creative pet keeping. lets talk about the biggest misconceptionabout betta fish care. so if you look at the fishkeeping hobby andindustry as a whole. things look pretty nice. lots of beautiful tanks, inspiration, youtubevideos with tutorials. so many photos on google to look at. things look really nice. but then, you look at the bettakeeping industryand hobby and i swear it feels like everyday were going backwards and things are gettignworse and worse for these poor fish.

so why does this happen? it seems that the problem begins with fish-stores. these fish start their lives on large breedingfarms where they are bred and raised in nice little ponds. so they have a very good start. but after that they have to be separated sothey don't fight and prepared for shipping in tiny containers. its a standard practice and how most fishget shipped nowadays. the problem begins when fish-stores say itsok to continue to keep these fish in such

crappy conditions. they say that wild bettas live in tiny mudpuddles and therefore do not require clean water or space. they say that since bettas can "breathe" airthey don't need a filter, heater, or any space. actually, they don't like moving water atall. it freaks them out. actually... the betta comes from parts of vietnam, malaysia,thailand and cambodia in the river basins of the mekong and chao phrya rivers.

they are found in rice paddies and drainageditches, river basins and small streams. although the water is not very deep and itis very heavily planted. the betta actually has a pretty large andsubstantial territory. it is estimated that a male has a territoryof about 3 feet in length. it is also true that in the dry months thewater levels will recede. some betta fish will get separated into puddleswhere they have no access to food and the water will very quickly get toxic. if it does not rain for too long the bettawill make an attempt to jump out of the puddle to other bodies of water.

to try and escape the toxic water. this is why betta fish are so good at jumpingout of their bowls or aquariums. this also means that when a fish store istelling you to put a betta in a bowl. it's literally telling you to replicate themost harsh conditions that this fish can barely survive in. thats like saying that elephants in africadon't get any water or food for a few weeks or days in a year because of a drought thatwe would just stop feeding and giving water to captive elephants as well. they will be fine right?

i mean it happens to them in the wild. this applies to any animal. you can keep a dog in a cage or crate forthe rest of its life and never take it out and its still going to be alive..and its stillgoing to be happy to see interact with you.. so i'm sure it's happy right? nope! just because an animal can survive does notmean that it is thriving. you should strive to give your pet fish thebest possible habitat that you could afford.

so.. thanks for watching! be sure to share this video and check outsome other videos that i have about betta fish on my youtube channel and be sure tosubscribe if you already haven't. therefore you won't miss out on any futurevideos and can be part of the awesomeness. if you agree or disagree be sure to let meknow in the comments below! and see you on thursday..


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