dog food guru

- [nicole] we are taste-testing native american foods. - [dã³nal] oh, this looks good! - [elga] ooh! you're right, you're right about the sweet stuff. - [leather jacket guy] it's chicken, is it? is she chicken? - [patrick] it smells like a - a doughnut. - [dã³nal] is it like a jam doughnut, but they forgot to put the jam inside? - [nicole] it's like a little scone.- [patrick] it smells delightful, but i know there's some sort of freaky filling in the - in the middle. - [ljg] it's food that makes you not want to talk - which is terrible for this video.- [sarah] *laughs* - [nicole] this is bread.

- [patrick] ah. - [nicole] *laughs* we were freaking out for nothing!- [patrick] jesus! - [dã³nal] dig in.- [elga] that's so - so nicely cooked. it's, like, lightly fried, isn't it? - [nicole] that is gorgeous! i love that sauce. - [patrick] it is lovely! - [ljg] i can still hear the chicken... in it. loads of eggs in it. - [patrick] glass of milk with this, and you're laughing.- [nicole] mm. a lovely, cold glass of 'bainne'.

- [nicole] a cup of morning tea. - [patrick] 'milk' in irish, heh. - [patrick] ah, okay, i - at first i was afraid...and i was petrified - 'cause i seen the colour of it and i was like, "damn!" - [elga] it looks like -- [dã³nal] *unintelligible* - [dã³nal] it - it kind of looks like stew. - [elga] yeah. irish stew.- [dã³nal] yeah. - [sarah] is it buffalo, is it?- [ljg] it's buffalo, yeah. like, uh, hunky dorys.

- [dã³nal] well it tastes just like beef *laughs* you know?- [elga] mm. it tastes like cow. - [ljg] i can feel it attackin' me, you know? and it's, like, giving me a kick. - [nicole] now, i like it because its, like, firmer than beef. - [ljg] you've got corn as well, have ya? i'm feeling a bit corny. aagh! - [elga] onion, um...

it's like stock, maybe? - [patrick] it's actually really nice. - [nicole] mm-hm.- [patrick] it's like the old beef stew the mother would make at home. - [patrick] this is healthy as shizzle.- [nicole] beans, corn and squash. ugh. - [ljg] do you know what it is? i don't even have to touch it. - [sarah] butternut squash. - [ljg] it's butter.. oh, for -- [sarah] *laughs* - [dã³nal] mmm.- [elga] oh, that tastes wholesome.

- [dã³nal] i'm - *clears throat*- [elga] it tastes really good, doesn't it? - [dã³nal] i've never tasted anything like that. - [ljg] oh! how's she cuttin'?- [sarah] ooh! - [sarah] ooh!- [ljg] bring that home with ya! - [sarah] that's very buttery. - [patrick] the juice is gorgeous! - [nicole] why is it called 'three sisters'? - [sarah] they're all root vegetables. is that correct?

- [ljg] three sister sides.- [sarah] "sisters of the earth". - [elga] i mean, they're all - they're not related. - [dã³nal] i never really personified a bean before, to be honest with ya.- [elga] *laughs* - [elga] they're adopted sisters. - [patrick] mm.- [nicole] though, fair if this was purã©ed and it was, you know, thick. - [elga] this is like a lovely four course meal. - [dã³nal] yeah! it's like a - it's like a weird date. - [dã³nal] this is the weirdest date i've ever been on.- [elga] mm! - [dã³nal] is this, uh... spam?

'cause we already did that one!- [elga] ahh. - [ljg] jesus, she's heavier than she looks! - [sarah] it's... *unintelligible*- [ljg] *exasperated noise* - [dã³nal] what, is this buff - is this the buffalo's remains or something? - [patrick] pah! *laughs* -[ljg] it's like kissing a really old woman. - [sarah] oh, very salty! ooh! - [elga] it, uh - it tastes like an ingredient rather than a meal. - [patrick] it's so cold, and really sloppy, and weird!

- [elga] i would imagine that would be great, 'cause it's - it's small and it's concentrated - it's like a little energy bar. - [nicole] knowing that it's fat grease - - [patrick] i didn't think, "facts." -- [nicole] makes me wanna hurl, now. - [patrick] i - i didn't think you would ever do this to me. - [ljg] um...- [sarah] no, it was all tasty 'til you fed me with some creepy dog poo shit. - [patrick] the native americans had me up until then, and they brought out the pemmican -- [nicole] yeah. and i was like, "what the f*** you's doin', like?" - [elga] it's a great diet, 'cause like, i think thats what a lot of people today are trying to do

is get - go back to the wholesome - just meat, vegetables,- [dã³nal] paleo... and, you know, anything that grows in the ground.- [dã³nal] yeah. - [ljg] did you hear about the... did you hear about the native american man who drank two hundred cups of tea? - [ljg] did you hear that?- [sarah] no... - [ljg] he nearly drowned in his own teepee! - [sarah] i always say, like, you know how people be all like,

"oh, cultural appropriation"? everyone on paddy's day is green and being a prick!


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