dog food homemade

to summarize this segment on dog food, i wouldhighly recommend that you consider the doggy steps philosophy of not feeding your dog anythingthat you would not eat. certainly, budget and time is going to be a concern, but reallyconsider taking the ingredient label test to see what you're feeding your dog. i'm suremany of you have heard that some dog owners give their dog a raw diet. there's been research,given that dogs are from wolf packs, that they can survive on a raw meat diet. sinceall of our dogs are now domesticated, their systems have changed from the days of wolvesand dogs, wild dogs, eating all raw meat. so, do your research, if you're consideringa raw diet, if you would like to proceed in that way. i also recommend, like i've said,keeping your dog's diet with a different variety

for nutrition and texture. i also will addsupplements to my dog's food, such as yogurt for added bacteria, slices of cheese, as wellas left-over pork, chicken, or steak, when it's cooked, rinsing off any type of seasoning,such as salt and pepper. this will give your dog some little added texture. you also canadd any type of fruit or vegetable to your dog's dry food, as long as it's not raisins,onions, or grapes. so, basic fruits and vegetables that i would add would be broccoli, cauliflower,bananas or apples. please do your own research before adding any other additives to yourdog's food, to make sure it's not harmful for them.


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