dog food ingredients to avoid

fish oil is popular dog supplement. liquidfish oil for dogs is a convenient way to make sure your dog gets enough omega 3 fatty acids.side effects from giving your dog fish oil are rare. there are though few things worthhaving in mind before you start giving your dog omega oil oil for dogs includes fatty acids and is therefore high in calories. fat has 2.25times more calories than protein or carbohydrates. so if your dog has weight problems, then youshould reduce accordingly the amount of calories he gets from his diet.bear in mind that fish oil and cod liver oil is not the same. fish stores fat either inthe body or in the liver. the best fish oil for dogs comes from fish that stores the fatin the body, like salmon, tuna, mackerel,

and sardines.this is because fish also store vitamin a and d in the liver. meaning supplement containingfish liver oil contain high level of those vitamins. excessive levels of vitamin a andd can harm the liver and using fish oil, not fish liver oil, eliminates the risk of accidentaloverdose. fish oil side effects for dogs can includefishy breath or fishy smelling skin. some dogs may also experience mild diarrhea.starting on low dosage and gradually increasing the dose is usually enough to alleviate thisproblem. inflamed pancreas is another potential fishoil supplements side effects. this is fortunately very rare but the symptoms include vomiting,diarrhea, pain, and dehydration.

for more information about fatty acid supplementsfor dogs visit our website


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