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this is mei yu, the creator of fun2draw. if you've been requesting for a cute starfish, please let me know in thecomments below first, just like in my other cute star drawing i'll draw a blunt point like that first, so it's not too pointy and just repeat that on this side here they look like really chubby, rounded triangles there they are let's go into a leg,
or one of the legs and draw another chubby leg as for the cute little mouth, let's draw a small one followed by some big fun2draw eyes so we've got the leaf shape in there let's divide this and shade it in nice and dark
and after you're done drawing this, you can go to my fun2draw channel on youtube, where you'll see hundreds of my other cute drawings, including my octopus, seahorse, clownfish, or cute mermaid we've got one adorable fun2draw eye let's get the other one in there and let's get the big pupil and highlight if you want to share the drawings you've done along with my fun2draw videos, please post them on my facebook page. i'd love to share some cute fan art in a future
fun2draw video okay, so we have some little eyebrows, and to make this look more like a starfish and not like any other star, draw these little circles - maybe just two for each point, just for some texture, so it looks a little bit different than just a regular star okay, if you like this drawing, then please thumbs up, favorite, and share it with your friends if you like this video, and if you haven't already,
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