dog food outlet

*intro* what's up everybody, welcome back to my laboratory, where safety is number one priority and what will happen if you put marshmallow in a vaccum? let's find out so check this out, i got here a vacuum sealer with a little hand pump to vacuum all the air out from this container so i'm gonna open it up and put bunch of marshmallows in it i'm gonna put only four marshmallows so we can see it better then i'm gonna grab the pump and pump out all the air

look, you can already see how much bigger they are pretty awesome let's pump out some more air out check this out, look how huge these marshmallows are now this awesome now, what we're gonna do is let all the air out and see what happens look at these marshmallows they got smaller again let's see this one more time, i'm gonna let it out

all the oxygen boom! look at this this is awesome. let me know what do you think, do you like this vacuum experiment? thumbs up if you did *outro*


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