dog food research

let's begin at the beginning when itcomes to dog food where did you get your dog? if you adopted your dog from a shelter, a friend or a like source, find out with the dog is being fed himpurchase some the same. it will aid in the dog being comfortablein his new environment. you can change later after the dog isassimilated into the new home. how about a pet food store? get a smallquantity what they recommend. you'll probably make some sort of change afteryour first trip to the vet

now that's going to occur in the firstfew days. right? from a breeder? well, that's a judgment call. if the breederappears to be a professional operation take their advice and use that a startingpoint with your vet. i have found that a reputable breederoften knows more about specific breed requirements than let's say, a vet that isn't particularly engaged withyour breed. ask the breeder a lot of questions and prepare for the vet by doing a lot of research. if ther breeder is a mom-and-pop, two dogs in the house situation

you don't necessarily know what kind ofadvice you getting getting. get a small quantity what they recommend, do your specificbreed research and then get to the vet as soon aspossible. the bulk of our experience has been withlarge breed dogs and chihuahua. trust me when i tell you you don't feeda chihuahua, saint bernard, a lab, a sheppard, malamute, samoyed, rottweiler, and a mastiff the same food over different stages oftheir life. you can do permanent harm to your dog. it is very tempting to purchase commodity brands of dog food because the price.

when you do your research you will find thatthese brands need to be supplemented with vitamins and nutrients and that can be easily exceed the priceof a quality dog food if a product like dinovitedietary supplements are warranted, you're going to understand what i'm saying!


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