dog food reviews 2017

hi i’m jimi from whoa nelly! dog food. today i want to take a quick lookat the difference between dry and raw dog food. so i just went down to the localsupermarket and picked up a very popular brand of dry dog food. which very conveniently cametaped out so we can’t get sued. looking at this pack of dry dog foodit is 100% complete and balanced nutrition made in australia with australian meat. and looking at the backit’s protein rich

calcium enrichedlow in fat and it’s got good immune support that sounds pretty good but the proof is in the ingredients. lets take a look and see what goes into it. the #1 ingredient in this dog food is wholegrain cereals and/or cereal by-products. the #2 ingredient ismeat and meat by-products which can be poultry, beef and/or lamband/or poultry by-product. and the #3 ingredient isvegetable and vegetable by-products. but get this:the #4 ingredient is sugar

which is crazy! and the #5 ingredient is humectantwhich isn’t actually a food it’s something they put in dry dogfood to keep the moisture all the rest of the ingredientsare chemical additives like orthophosphoric acid. that’s pretty much what goes into a drydog food. so lets compare that toa high quality raw dog food. i have here some excellent whoa nelly! this dog food is gut friendly, grain freeand it gives your dog healthy firm poos.

it’s made with local and organic produceand the packaging is 100% biodegradable. but let’s see what goes into it. the #1 ingredient is kangaroo#2 is pastured chicken then we haveorganic seasonal fruit and vegetables kangaroo organsmackerel, pastured eggs and nelly belly which is the fermented food productthat we put in our food that makes it so good for the gut so there you go that’s kind of the difference betweenthese two foods.

looking at what makes up this foodit’s mostly by-products and a by-product is what’s left overafter you process a food so a meat by-product isyou get an animal and you take all the meat off it and that’s a meat by-product what you’ve got left it’s very cheap, very low nutritional quality and it’s really not a very good basis foryour dogs diet. that’s what most dry foods are. so you compare that to a good quality rawfood that’s made up of whole ingredientsand in the case of whoa nelly!

all of the nutrition comes from the ingredientsit doesn’t have any synthetic additives or anything to boost it upit’s all just good quality ingredients which i guess is the thing. if you talk to a vet about feeding raw dogfood their biggest concern is that it needs tobe complete and balancedlike this dry food here. what we would say thoughis that just throwing a synthetic additive at a poor quality dog fooddoesn’t make for good nutrition. this is really low quality ingredientsbut they put the synthetic vitamins in

to make it up to the aafco standardsbut the body just can’t absorb those synthetic nutrients. there’s other ingredients in here toolike humectant that actually makes it harder to absorb nutrition so it’s really not the best thing for your dog feeding a raw dietis absolutely the best thing you just need to make sure that it isbalanced and complete nutritionally so it’s got all the nutrition they need. i would recommend whoa nelly!if you’re in queensland.

it is absolutely the best food you can feedyour dog!


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