dog food tester

when people hear that i'm a chocolatetaster they all are amazed and their eyes light up and they think that i'mactually sitting on my sofa everyday eating chocolate candy i was surprised that it was ranked before being a secret agent, because i want to be a secret agent now the way that we taste chocolate is by allowing the chocolate to melt in your mouth because you're also allowing time for your senses tokick in and detect and describe the sensory attributes of the chocolate during the weekends consumers will hire me either in a restaurant or on their private locations to go in and talk to them about quality certification andlabeling systems and what they need to

know in order to buy a high-qualityproduct how do you purchase and store chocolate? because i store my chocolate in the refrigerator the way that you store chocolate is away from light away from heat and away from any thermic shocks that means that in the refrigeratorthat's two cold. normally during the week i consult with academicorganizations. so when i go to the robert mondavi institute for food andwine science, there is a sensory laboratory inside studying the qualityof chocolate. and for the last three years we've been systematically tastingchocolate, four different studies that we're doing through mars and uc davis. i'msitting in a booth and i am tasting

chocolate or wine or olive oil or honey andthen i log all of the sensory characteristics on a computer what we are looking for when we snap thechocolate is a nice and crisp sound a sharp snap like that tells me it's ahigh percentage of cocoa content the only prerequisite that a taster needs is a basic knowledge of the way that our sight, smell, and taste work. andespecially a very large library of aromas, flavors, and tastes so that the tastercan recognize, quantify, and describe the sensory characteristics of the food orbeverage that he or she's tasting my name is orietta gianjorio, and i wasvoted as having one of the coolest jobs



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