dog food transition

you're going to america! these are dogs that have been kept on this farm for their entire lives and will be sent to slaughter through humane society international, we've come here and we've worked with the farmer to negotiate the release of these dogs for these dogs, today the dog meat industry is over for them they will be removed and having happy lives in america this is snowball, as we've named him he is from a korean dog meat farm

which we've recently worked with to rescue all 23 dogs off the farm and the farmer has agreed to close his doors for good and transitioninto a much more humane trade of blueberry growing well we're very excited that these 23 are the first to act as ambassadors of what we hope will be more farms that will close down these dogs are now headed to 5 different shelters they will be evaluated for both health and behavior

and from there, they'll be determined if they can go up immediately for adoption or if it will be adoption down the road and they need a little bit of work we feel that helping these 23 dogs we can help many, many more by getting this issue out these dogs are serving as a symbol andby helping them i think we are going to be helping many other dogs it's a great day it is a great day and certainly we're thrilled to be apart of that and to be able to facilitate the adoption of these guys

from korea to the united states


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