dog food warehouse

we already told you how millennials are pushing back against enormous portion sizes. the u-s-d-a says this generation spends half of their food budgets- at restaurants. and the food service industry is changing

fast to keep up. 27 first news reporter amanda smith explains. [d2]20170315 food millennial 6-pk like many people under age 35, abby kawecki finds her self grabbing meals on the go more than she'd like. it's easier, with school and

everything you have more time to just go grab something real quick. you don't really have time to prepare a meal before you come to class or go to work. millennials eat more meals away from home then their parents - spending 44

percent of their food dollars in restaurants. a lot of time people arent having the culinary skills or the time to plan their meals ahead they are not packing. and they have a different idea of what's healthy. christian rinehart owns several

restaurants in mahoning county - and he's had to make changes to keep up with his customers' tastes. we saw healthy as low fat or low calorie. and wieght. mlllennials see healthy as non chemical and more organic and more natural. millenials

want to know where their food is coming from, and they tend to shy away from anything that seems artificial. they're more likely to spend on an organic or craft hot dog than the mass produced links of their youth. and that is forcing changes from the farm to the

table to the restaurant. companies are trying to get away from using pesticides and using antibiotics in the animal meats, even purdue. they're using oregano in the water now instead of antibiotics. reinhart says he's seeing the changes outside the restaurant

industry too. even little discount grocery stores like aldi, which are huge in germany and are now here, they're going non gmo and a healthier approach. in youngstown, amanda smith, wkbn 27 first news

we have expanded coverage of this story --- including a guide to healthy portion sizes.... and links on how to make better choices in restaurants. you can find those at wkbn dot


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