dog food you can make at home

hi! this is elise mcmahon for expert village.comand in this video series we are talking about how to make your own dog food. if you wouldlike to find out more about my services, you can visit my website at in this short clip, we are going to be talking about how to make your own chickenstrips. i am starting off here with a piece of chicken breast. this is the piece of chickenbreast that i have actually already fried up, so you can just fry up a piece of chickenbreast in your frying pan and just to let you know that there are some places that youcan actually get bulk orders of things like chicken breast so you could get 40 lbs. ofit and you will be spending a low less money than if you just go to the supermarket andbuy it the way you would buy it for say a

small family. so you can look into that, butwe are going to be using chicken breast here. what i am going to do is i am going to cutoff thin slices and it has already been cooked, which makes it easier for me to cut and iam cutting off very thin slices of the chicken breast. lot of times people go to the storeand buy chicken breast jerky. what we are doing here is showing how you can make ityourself although chicken breasts might be somewhat expensive. it is certainly cheaperto buy the chicken breast yourself and make the jerky yourself. what you can do with thisonce we have got it made, is you can use it as a treat training treat, as a chew treator cut up into small pieces and sprinkle it on the dog’s food. so what i am doing nowis i am laying the chicken breast out on a

small pan. i am laying it flat, it is fairlydry already as you can see and lay the pieces very flat like this. those extra bits we don’thave to do anything with and then what i am going to do is i am going to put this in thetoaster oven. i am going to cook it at a very low heat at about a 150 for about 20 minutes.if you cook it on too high a heat, you are basically just going to be burning the chicken;remember it is cut very thin, so it does not take a lot to cook it. what we are tryingto do is to dry it out. so we are going to put it on a very low heat at about 150 andwe are going to cook it for about 30 minutes and you can see we have got the thin slices.they are nice and crispy and once they have cooled, they are a little bit warm right now.once they are cooled, we can use these as

a treats or chews for the dog.


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